There were learning opportunities all round when the team from Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) North East attended a full morning of presentations, networking and tours at the University of Aberdeen. While the two teams have formed a close working relationship over many years, the hosted visit gave participants a heightened understanding of one another’s activities and sparked ideas for further collaboration.
The packed schedule commenced with a presentation from DYWNE director Margo Milne about the what, where and how of DYW. Over the past 18 months, the DYWNE team has expanded in numbers to include coordinators mapped to every secondary school in the region, greatly extending its capacity to work more intensely with an increased number of partners.
A series of short presentations followed from various University faculties, outlining their areas of expertise, facilities and offerings in terms of school engagement activities. These included sessions from the Business School, Rowett Institute, Biological Sciences, the Decommissioning Centre and Cyber Security/Artificial Intelligence, highlighting the depth of expertise that exists within the University in relation to the key growth sectors for employment in the area.
A networking lunch provided further opportunities for follow-up discussions, with a number of exhibition stands available for browsing.
“It was wonderful to have DYW join us for the morning and showcase the ancient campus and some of the outreach activities that we offer to local schools, as well as learning more about what DYW does." - Pam Cumming, schools engagement officer, University of Aberdeen Business School
Pam Cumming, schools engagement officer, University of Aberdeen Business School, was instrumental in organising the event. “We work in a fantastic University, one that is open to all but one which many haven’t had the opportunity to visit,” she said.
“The University of Aberdeen isn’t simply a place to study; it is also a major employer in the city and it was great for everyone to hear about the vast array of job prospects there are at the University. This was a very informative event and the networking proved valuable for all in attendance. I’ve worked with DYW for years and it was super to meet many of the team in person for the first time.”
Her comments on the value of the morning were echoed by DYW director, Margo Milne, who said: “This was a very insightful and information session, which was greatly appreciated by our team.
“It was fantastic that we were able to meet the faculties and I could almost hear our coordinators’ brains working away during the presentations! I know there is a high level of interest in taking activities forward, following such a positive morning.
“We look forward to increasing our collaborative work with the University of Aberdeen, so that together we can continue to inform and inspire our region’s young people.”