An interactive session with healthcare professionals for S3 pupils.
A group of 28 S3 pupils who had expressed an interested in exploring healthcare careers had the chance to hear from local healthcare professionals across three different areas.
The session included opportunities for pupils to ask questions.
The pupils, who had expressed a general interest in working in healthcare, were able to find out more about three different roles and the skills that are required to perform each of these roles on a daily basis.
As part of the session, they heard from a former psychiatric nurse, who is now an occupational therapy support worker with NHS Grampian. They also heard from an NHS Grampian occupational therapist and a GP registrar from Inverurie Medical Practice.
All three speakers explained the route they had taken into their current profession and spoke openly about the best and worst aspects of their roles.
The pupils, who had been identified in having an interest in healthcare careers, engaged particularly well. Many remained behind afterwards to ask questions.
An opportunity for pupils to explore the question "How do we, as chefs create menus that promote Scottish produce and sustainability?"
A trio of specialists from Well-Safe Solutions brought the subject of sustainability and the environment to life for P5-7 pupils from Charleston Primary.