Case study small intro pic
15th May 2024
Grampian Moorland Group, plus partner organisations
Bridge of Don Academy, Meldrum Academy, Northfield Academy, Kemnay Academy
Case study small intro pic


The Estates that Educate programme is faciliated in the North East by Grampian Moorland Group. Over 100 local pupils took part in a day of hands-on activities to help them understand the employment opportunities provided by our countryside estates.

The setting for the day was Edinglassie Estate on the outskirts of Strathdon.

Results and effectiveness

The young people gained an insight into the different job roles that support our countryside; they also developed an understanding of the importance of conservation and the positive impact that countryside estates have on our local communities and businesses.

Pupils learned about sustainable foods, moorland management, conservation and wildlife. There was lots of scope for interaction including handling lambs, meeting working dogs and sampling different foods, such as natural honey.

Additional benefits

The day's activities encouraged many pupils to step outside their comfort zone and try things they had never done before.

For some, the trip was an opportunity to explore rural work-based opportunities beyond their more familiar city environment.

Pupil participant

"I think that it was an amazing day and I had so much fun. I would absolutely LOVE to do it again or something similar."

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