Banchory Business Breakfast
2nd May 2024
Multiple (see below)
Banchory Academy
Banchory Business Breakfast


An in-school business breakfast event aimed to foster connections and conversations between key local employers, school staff and young people. It was attended by:

  • Aberdeenshire Council
  • Alto
  • Anything HR
  • Bancon Construction
  • Grant Considine
  • Leys Estate
  • MCR Pathways
  • National Trust for Scotland - Crathes Castle
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • TechnipFMC
  • The Barn - multi-arts centre

Results and effectiveness

The business breakfast was a catalyst for discussion about how the school and local employers could work in partnership to help young people develop the skills they need to equip them for the world of work. It strengthened existing relationships and allowed members of the local business community to feel part of a collective effort.

Additional benefits

The pupils who attended had the chance to directly engage with local business people, which helped to develop their confidence and communication skills. Many positive conversations took place, with offers from employers to support the school faculties with various projects.

Bruce Skinner

"I feel connecting businesses with staff and pupils is a vital part of education and business.”

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Young people & parents

Young people & parents

© Developing the Young Workforce